1. You must read the product description completely before ordering or bidding with us. When you decide to use our services, it means that you agree to the terms set by the respective store. After receiving the product, it cannot be canceled or returned for a refund. If there is a problem, the customer must contact the store in Japan only.
  2. Customers who want to ship goods with clearing of taxes must inform what and how much the product is with the receipt or order, showing the complete price. In the event that the product does not match what the customer has informed, there is a false declaration or illegal product delivery, we will seize the entire box of the product and charge a fine starting from 5,000 baht per box. You must pay the penalty before removing the product from the warehouse during that period. In the event that the customer secretly sends illegal products, it is considered that the customer is solely responsible.
  3. If you place an order by yourself, you can view the Japanese warehouse address after registering and logging in. You must fill in the payment information for the goods, the freight in Japan by yourself, and provide us with the product summary and tracking number in the system for every piece. We do not allow deliveries without informing us in advance. In the event that you do not comply with the requirements, we are not responsible for any late or lost product.
  4. In the case of consignment from Japan, the customer is responsible for packing the product, packing labels in accordance with safety requirements and in accordance with the shipping conditions. It is for the safety of the customer's goods. Any damage caused by packaging problems (such as lack of bubble wrap or too thin packaging), the company is not liable for any damage.
  5. The company does not guarantee any breakage and damage caused by transportation. Please choose to buy products from professional sellers with strong packaging and consider not sending items that are prone to breakage.
  6. Normally, the company will not open the customer's products except to check to make sure that the products are not illegal. We reserve the right to open and inspect the package without notifying the customer for security purposes in accordance with the import and export regulations of Japan and Thailand.
  7. In the event of force majeure or events beyond our control, we are not responsible for the following:
    1. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms or floods, etc.
    2. Events beyond control such as war, plane crash or aviation technology problems, fire or theft, etc.
    3. Products that can change according to humidity conditions such as wood, canvas fabric, etc.
    4. Products that can change over time, such as products with expiration dates, etc.
  8. In case of delivery by various services in Thailand, you must check the condition of the box and the contents inside and take a photo before signing for receipt. If something is wrong, damaged or lost, you will need to make a claim with the Thai shipping company yourself.
  9. In the event that the transport that the customer chooses not to deliver the parcel in the customer's area, such as an epidemic, causing the destination branch to close the parcel distribution, etc., the company reserves the right to change the transport without notice.
  10. In the case of products that have been ordered in different rounds and want to wait together, if you choose to wait for the products to come together in a warehouse in Thailand, we reserve the right only for customers who have reached the level set by the company and must have information that the product is available in the next round. The company does not guarantee damage caused by storage such as moisture, temperature, expiration date of any kind. If there is a possibility of a problem, it is advisable to export them all.
  11. In case the product arrives in Thailand, you must pay the shipping fee within 7 days after the notification of payment. In case of overdue, you have to pay an additional fine of 50 baht per day per box or envelope.
  12. If the customer wants to use the pre-delivery repacking service (with additional charges), we will only repack those products in Thailand and cannot repack any products from Japan. We reserve the right to let the team decide on the appropriate box size by themselves.